Barone Germana Maria

b_250_200_16777215_00___images_barone-germana1.jpgI am researcher at the University of Catania and senior lecturer in ‘Mineral geo-resources and mineralogical and petrographic applications for the environment and the cultural heritage' at the faculty of Mathematical, Physical And Natural Sciences (Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences) of the University of Catania. Previous academic positions: 2004-2005 University of Messina, Research fellowship in “Mineral geo-resources and mineralogical and petrographic applications for the environment and the cultural heritage” with a research themed on “ Archaeometric characterization of pottery and their coatings in the Mediterranean Area by means of mineralogical, petrographic and chemical-physical methods. Education 2002-2004 Post-Doctoral fellowship themed on “Analisi petrografiche e chimico-fisiche per studi avanzati nel campo del patrimonio dell'area mediterranea'' at the Faculty of mathematical, physical and natural sciences, University of Messina. 2001 Research contract for the elaboration of archaeometrical analysis data on pottery samples (V century AD) coming from the excavation site of Gela; Department of Antiquity, archaeological division, University of Messina 1998-2001 University of Catania, PhD in “Petrology of magmatic associations” with a dissertation entitled “Studio delle plutoniti di Capo Rasocolmo (ME)”. 1997 Study grant at the department of Physics, University of Messina themed on ‘Analisi e studio spettroscopico di reperti lapidei di interesse nel campo dei Beni Culturali' 1996 Research Contract at the department of Physics, University of Messina for the characterization of stone materials. P.O.N. Sicily 1990/1993; 1995 Study grant at the department of Physics, University of Messina themed on ‘Caratterizzazione di materiali lapidei a superficie pitturata e verniciata'. Educational functions Professor for several courses (Crystallography, Applied Mineralogy and Petrography, Geology and Lithology, Geochemistry, precious minerals and rocks) for the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences at the University of Catania.

During the research activity several collaboration have been held with national (Palermo, Messina, Cosenza, Bari, Parma, Roma), and International Universities (Universidad de Granada, Universidad Barcellona), with national (CNR, INGV) and International research agencies (Laboratoire Leon Brillouin, Cea-Saclay France; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxford; European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF Grenoble, France; CNR-INFM-OGG ESRF GILDA Grenoble, France), with several museums and intendancies.

The main topics of the scientific productions regard: a) Application of innovative destructive and non-destructive analytical methods for the minero-petrographic and geochemical study of rocks and artificial stone materials; b) Application of advanced statistical methods for the study of compositional data; c) Characterization of natural and artificial stone materials and chemical and biological decay processes; d) Geochemical and mineralogical study of clay sediments; e) Characterization of gems and glass.

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dr Roksana Chowaniec
assistant professor

Institute of Archaeology
University of Warsaw
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